Yoga & Breathing

Hatha Yoga & Breathing

Yoga for Everyone

Our online live & in-person Breathing & Yoga Classes include a wonderful balance of gentle yoga poses, breathing discovery, and deep rest ~ mindfulness. Inclusive, empowering, practical and fun ~ they are for everyone of all levels of experience and fitness, including complete beginners. We’d love to welcome you into the space of the simple yet profound shared inquiry learning approach.

Breathing & Yoga Classes are taught in three parts:

Yoga Asana


Firstly, we will enjoy some gentle yoga and somatic movement, incorporating the inherent intelligence of the breath. These poses are comfortable and simple, and yet they really help you to release tightness, improve balance and strengthen your core, bringing you into greater ease of movement and awareness of your own body and its needs. Alternatives and variations are given and self-direction is encouraged.


Following our yoga practice, we will more deeply explore our breathing, enhancing our natural breathing patterns and awareness while learning gentle, safe ways of breathing and tips for using the breath to calm and balance us. All the breathing methods and tools are scientific, loving and effective and can be practiced anytime you need throughout your day and night.

Connecting with the Breathe
Restorative Yoga Pose


Our body and breathing will then be in a relaxed and open state to take you into deeper rest. This time is for you to enjoy mindfulness and awareness with guided relaxation as well as enjoying time to simply be ~ in the safe and peaceful environment of the class.

In-person & Online Classes

Yoga Classes

In-person Classes

Breathing & Yoga Classes are held in the cozy environment of the Yoga Room at The Yoga Studio, Level 1, 54 Montgomery Square, and run weekly for 1 1/2 hours. Students are invited to enjoy a 15 relaxation at the start of each class to settle onto their mats and enjoy a rest. Yoga mats, bolsters, blocks and blankets are provided.

We offer live online classes via Zoom so you can join in from the comfort of home from around the world. Classes are 1 1/2 hours. Prior to the start of class, you can gather your props, which can be bolsters and blocks, or even any cushions, blankets and towels that you will have around your home.

Booking Classes

Classes run in terms, with a new term beginning at each quarter. Students are welcome to join anytime throughout the term.

We welcome casual bookings for those who wish to try a class, whenever space allows; please enquire.

See the schedule for a calendar view of the options, or select a class below for further details.

Yoga & Breathing Classes – Join Anytime!

Breathing & Yoga Therapy

Our breath and body holding patterns, mental stress, injury and emotional memory and modern postural habits can be so long held and deeply ingrained that we may not even be aware of them. That is until they show up as symptoms! Pain, low energy, anxiety, tightness, restricted breathing, breath ‘hunger’ and many of the other indicators then make us all too aware!

What is our body and our breathing trying to tell us?

One-to-one appointments help you to gain greater inner awareness of your own patterns while developing a personalised set of tools and skills to pave the path to a freer expression of your body and your breath. Appointments are uniquely tailored and will focus more on breathing or more on yoga, or a balance of both, depending on your needs.


About the teacher


Thinking back to the time when my journey with Yoga, Breathing and Pure Meditation began 25 years ago, it is rather humbling to reflect on what a different person I would have become without these gifts in my life. Tools and practices learned even in those early days and since remain with me, giving me ways to connect with my true self every day.

It is a great privilege to teach Yoga and Breathing and over the 20 years of doing so, I have loved continuing my development as a practitioner and teacher. I am encouraged by the wisdom coming through some of the post-lineage yoga schools that recognize the need for a change in how yoga is taught and experienced. This shared enquiry approach of teachers in the role of co-learner and yoga students as empowered practitioner is deeply rewarding. I’ve never been more enthusiastic about teaching yoga.

Christinaseva’s Qualifications & Training

See more


  • 2004 – 2007: Hatha Yoga & Relaxation, 1000 hours Advanced Diploma Course, Self Realization Centre


  • Thinking Environment® Facilitator, Time to Think


  • 2023: The Inspiring Yoga Teacher: A blueprint for Teacher-Student Transformation, Donna Farhi Online with Lisa Petersen
  • 2021: Anatomy for Movers and Shakers, Your Yoga Flow
  • 2014: Yoga Therapy & 1:1, Self Realization Centre
  • 2013: Yoga for Spinal Health, Self Realization Centre
  • 2008: Ante-Natal & Post-Natal Yoga, Self Realization Centre


  • 2024: From Inertia to Energy, When you can’t get off the floor, Donna Farhi
  • 2021: Embodying Yield, Aligning the Body with Ground, Gravity & Space, Donna Farhi
  • 2021: Living Our Yoga Practice, Self Realization Centre